대학생 코딩 과제 대행 java, python, oracle 네 번째

https://open.kakao.com/o/s3aMpbA 캐나다 칼턴 대학교에서 Introduction to Computer Science 1수업의 퀴즈 의뢰가 들어왔다. 총 5문제다. Python3 으로 풀어야 된다고 의뢰했다. r1 = input ( "what is the first circle's radius?" ) r2 = input ( "what is the second circle's radius?" ) r1 = float ( r1 ) r2 = float (r2) r1_circumference = 2 * math.pi * r1 r1_area = math.pi * r1 * r1 r2_circumference = 2 * math.pi * r2 r2_area = math.pi * r2 * r2 if (r1_circumference > r2_circumference) : print ( "The first circle is bigger than second circle " ) elif (r1_circumference < r2_circumference) : print ( "The second circle is bigger than first circle" ) elif (r1_circumference == r2_circumference) : print ( "The first circle is same to second circle" ) Z만 출력! i = 8 while ( i < 39 ) : print ( i ) i += 6 for i in range ( 2 , 11 , 2 ) : for j in range (i) : if (i == 4 and j == 1 ) : ...