HackerRank Java Jumping On The Cloud

문제 풀기 :   https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/jumping-on-the-clouds/problem?h_l=interview&playlist_slugs%5B%5D=interview-preparation-kit&playlist_slugs%5B%5D=warmup Emma is playing a new mobile game that starts with consecutively numbered clouds. Some of the clouds are thunderheads and others are cumulus. She can jump on any cumulus cloud having a number that is equal to the number of the current cloud plus     or   . She must avoid the thunderheads. Determine the minimum number of jumps it will take Emma to jump from her starting postion to the last cloud. It is always possible to win the game.   For each game, Emma will get an array of clouds numbered     if they are safe or     if they must be avoided. For example,     indexed from   . The number on each cloud is its index in the list so she must avoid the clouds at indexes     and   . She could follow the following two paths:    ...

HackerRank Java Sequence Equation

문제 풀기 : https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/permutation-equation/problem Given a sequence of     integers,     where each element is distinct and satisfies   . For   each   where   , find any integer     such that     and print the value of     on a new line. For example, assume the sequence   . Each value of     between     and   , the length of the sequence, is analyzed as follows: , so   , so   , so   , so   , so   The values for     are   .   Function Description Complete the   permutationEquation   function in the editor below. It should return an array of integers that represent the values of   .   permutationEquation has the following parameter(s):   p : an array of integers   Input Format The first line contains an integer   , the number of elements in the seq...