HackerRank Java Repeated String

문제 풀기 : https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/repeated-string/problem?h_l=interview&playlist_slugs%5B%5D=interview-preparation-kit&playlist_slugs%5B%5D=warmup Lilah has a string, , of lowercase English letters that she repeated infinitely many times. Given an integer, , find and print the number of letter a 's in the first letters of Lilah's infinite string. For example, if the string and , the substring we consider is , the first characters of her infinite string. There are occurrences of a in the substring. Function Description Complete the repeatedString function in the editor below. It should return an integer representing the number of occurrences of a in the prefix of length in the infinitely repeating string. repeatedString has the following parameter(s): s : a string to repeat ...